Bio paper 2 mock blurt

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  • Bio mock paper 2 blurt
    • LDR reactions
      • photoionisation
        • light energy is absorbed by the photosystem
          • this excites electrons causing them to leave and be passed to diff carrier moles in REDOX reactions
          • the redox reactions provide energy for production of ATP
            • energy from REDOX allows H protons to be actively pumped across thylakoid membrane
              • diffuse back in via ATP synthase
          • some of the electrons go on to reduce NADP
      • agriculture
        • limiting factors
          • reduce growth and photosytheisis
          • farmers and place crops in enviroment with high temp and right PH
            • also high light intensity
        • use of fertilisers
          • natural = made from dead or decomposing organic matter
          • artificial = mined to have specific propites
          • replace minerals lost in soil when plants are harvested
        • productivity
          • GPP= total chemical energy store in biomass before respiration
          • Biomass- total living material in a given area at a given time
            • dry mass of carbon
              • diff indiv have diff water contents
                • calorimitry
                  • burn in o2 + measure change in temp of water to work out Q
    • Untitled
    • Oxidative phosphorilation in respiration
      • LDR reactions
        • photoionisation
          • light energy is absorbed by the photosystem
            • this excites electrons causing them to leave and be passed to diff carrier moles in REDOX reactions
            • the redox reactions provide energy for production of ATP
              • energy from REDOX allows H protons to be actively pumped across thylakoid membrane
                • diffuse back in via ATP synthase
            • some of the electrons go on to reduce NADP
        • agriculture
          • limiting factors
            • reduce growth and photosytheisis
            • farmers and place crops in enviroment with high temp and right PH
              • also high light intensity
          • use of fertilisers
            • natural = made from dead or decomposing organic matter
            • artificial = mined to have specific propites
            • replace minerals lost in soil when plants are harvested
          • productivity
            • GPP= total chemical energy store in biomass before respiration
            • Biomass- total living material in a given area at a given time
              • dry mass of carbon
                • diff indiv have diff water contents
                  • calorimitry
                    • burn in o2 + measure change in temp of water to work out Q
      • electrons from NADH and FADH pass down ETC
        • associating then unassoiating to carrier proteins in redox reactions
          • eventually accepted by O2
          • relases energy
            • this energy allows for H protons to be actively pumped outof the mitocondrial matrix
              • diffuse back in via ATP synthase - chnage in sturcure
                • condenses ADP+Pi to ATP
      • respiring lipids and proteins
        • Lipids
          • hydrolysed to glycerol which is then phosphorylated and turned to TP
            • fatty acids are broken down into actcetal CoA
              • ENTERS KERBS
                • PRODUCES LOTS OF h
        • PROTEINS
          • hydorlised into amino acids  and R group removed
            • enter as pyruvate or in KREBS
    • The human retina
      • rods
        • rodopisn- low intesnites
        • low audity
          • multiple are connected to one bipolar neurone
      • cones
        • high audicity
          • connected to its own bipolar neurone
        • idopsin = requires higher light intesitys to break down
        • see in colour
    • control of heart reate
      • SA-non-AV- bundle of his-purkenji firbes
      • chemoreceptors
        • low PH due to co2
          • increased signals form receptors to meduella oblegata
            • increased signals via sympathetic nerves
              • increase dp of san
      • barioreceptors
        • increase BP
          • increased signals to meduella oblegata
            • increased signals down parasympatheic nerve
              • decreased dp of san
      • AP arrvies
        • Ca channels openand Ca diffuses in
          • causes vesicles with NT to move and fuse with membrane
            • NT relased and diffuses across synaptic cleft
              • binds to ligin gated NA channels and opens them
                • NA diffuses in to post s neurone
                  • ap induced and NT broken down
      • inhibition
        • binding of NT = cl channels open
          • causes K channels to open
            • becomes hyper-polarised
    • Inheritance
      • genotype =genetic consruction of the organisim
      • phenotype= presented characterises as a result of evn and gen factors
      • locus = position of gene on organism
      • co dom= both are presented
      • sex linkaged = gene on X chromosome
        • autosomal linkage
          • is close in postion on chromosome - inherited together if no crossing over
            • 9:3:3:1
              • sex linkaged = gene on X chromosome
                • autosomal linkage
                  • is close in postion on chromosome - inherited together if no crossing over
                    • 9:3:3:1
                      • co dom= both are presented
      • episatisis
        • one trait is masked by another
          • 9:4:3
      • hardy-weinberg
        • predicts frequency of ressecive and dom alleses in a pop
        • no mutation, no migration, no selection, random mating and large pop
    • Evolution
      • mutaion leads to variation
        • some = better suited
          • out compete others for reasoures
            • increase changes of survival
              • incrase chances of reporducing and passing on alleles
                • allele f increases
                  • = the frequency at which an allele appers in a given population
        • meosis produces new combos of genes
      • population
        • carrying capacity
          • the max pop an ecosystem can support
          • finite reasources
            • no pop can increase forever
        • if abiotic factors are favourable then pop will increase
        • competion
          • intraspecific
            • same species - compete for mates and other reasources
              • determines pop size
          • interspecific
            • diff species
              • some will out compete other's
          • predication
            • if preditors have abundance of pray to eat - will increase in pop
              • this decreases siz of prey pop
                • less food = preditor pop decreases
                  • less preditors = more prey
                    • predication
                      • if preditors have abundance of pray to eat - will increase in pop
                        • this decreases siz of prey pop
                          • less food = preditor pop decreases
                            • less preditors = more prey
      • control of gene expression
        • mutaion of a gene can result in diff A.A being coded for resulting in a diff or non-func protein
          • as DNA is degenerte can result in same A.A
        • translation factors
          • bind to DNA and initiate transcription or can inhibit transcription
          • oestrogen
            • lipid soluble so moves through membrane
              • binds to TF changing its shape
                • actives it
                  • binds to DNA and initates transcription
        • epigenetics
          • histones - DNA= coiled around - can be loss = easy to transcribe or tight
            • increased methylation results in tight coiling- target gene cant be transcribes
              • if tumor supressor gene = methylated = not transcribed resulting in uncrontolled cell divison
            • acteticltion = looser so gene can be more easily transcribed


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