Big issue media langue

  • Created by: ciaramcg
  • Created on: 04-06-22 15:21
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  • The Big Issue media language
    • the big issues purpose
      • to give platform and a voice to underrepresented groups in society
        • promotes liberal, left wing ideology
        • homeless, race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality
    • the homeless
      • connotations as 'revolution' as a social change
        • challenging authority, rejection of confomity
      • foregrounding of the vendors- gold capitals
        • ' thousands and thousands of vendors'
        • gold - connotations of wealth, prestige, status
          • giving those connotations to the vendors instead of the celebs listed
      • BINARY OPPOSITION- wealth and poverty
        • lots of wealthy people listed but poverty is foregrounded
          • binary structure promotes poverty
    • Gender & Sexuality
      • Grayson Perry article
        • dress with tie
          • Bathes - signifyers and their meaning
            • symbols have taken on a myth like status
          • dress associated with femininity
            • grayson perry combines the 2 symbols to break down gender norms
              • burring of the lines between what defines gender
          • tie associated with masculinity
        • bracelet and watch
          • connotations of masculinity and femininity
        • colours associated with pride
          • encouraging acceptance of those varied gender and sexual identities
      • breaking down of expectations of gender
      • yellow background
        • sunrise- new beginnings
          • moving on to an age where gender expectations and conformity is broken down
    • race & ethnicity
      • moving on artical
        • Joel Hodgeson
          • wearing suit connotations of wealth, status and power
            • barthes
      • background
        • become at one with the environment - london
          • wealth status power
      • starting position- posture
        • suggesting at the start of a journey
      • the plinth
        • raised from the ground like a pillar
          • celebrated or won
      • gauntlett
        • the media giving audience a broader range of rep
          • audience constructs own idenity
            • progressive rep of a black homeless man
              • who has been given these symbols of wealth and power
                • and therefore moving away from the expectation of the homeless man
      • Gilroy
        • regressive rep- centered in colonial ideas
          • only the suit has rich connotations
            • in a white western European vision
              • he is being assigned power in a western vision
    • Donato Barbieri
      • promoting the personalities and identities of its homeless vendors
        • humanizing vendors - instead of being a statistic they become a human being
      • challenging the view of migrant workers
        • rep of homeless man who has struggled and fought for his place is society
          • encouraged to feel sympathy
      • constructing relationship between reader and vendor
        • gesture codes in main image - smiling
          • interaction between customer on the street
        • vendor is given a platform to take ownership
          • and construct his own idenity


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