View mindmap
  • Bauhaus Light
    • Colour
      • Primary colours
        • Blue
        • Red
        • Yellow
      • Grey/silver
      • neutral
    • Target market
      • Teenagers and adults
        • Simple, and modern
      • Professional
    • Size
      • Regulation
      • Portable
      • Weight
      • Ergonomics
      • Anthropomortrics
  • Materials
    • Bauhaus Light
      • Colour
        • Primary colours
          • Blue
          • Red
          • Yellow
        • Grey/silver
        • neutral
      • Target market
        • Teenagers and adults
          • Simple, and modern
        • Professional
      • Size
        • Regulation
        • Portable
        • Weight
        • Ergonomics
        • Anthropomortrics
    • Metal
    • Plastics
    • Glass


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