barriers faced in a conversation

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  • barriers faced in a conversation
    • poor lighting- people may not be able to communicate with you propley as it may be dark to too bright in a room
    • speech difficulties due to disability or illness- people who have problems communicating will need help, for example if the person is deaf they will need a hearing aid
    • different language spoken- if two people speak completely diffrent languages then they may misundersand what they are trying to say
    • aggression- if a person has attitude or is talking in a shouty way then the person may find if difficult to talk to them as they are not carm or listening
    • noisy movement- if there is background noise then people may not understand what you are trying to say. for example if a person has a hearing id and radio aid then it may pick up little sounds that are in the background
    • tiredness- if a person is feeling tired they may not want to talk or may not say the correct things
  • different language spoken- if two people speak completely diffrent languages then they may misundersand what they are trying to say


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