B1.4 Treaty of Paris

  • Created by: Amymerryn
  • Created on: 09-04-15 12:56
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  • B1.4 Treaty of Paris
    • Prussia / british alliance
      • provided funding and men to campaign against French in Hanover
      • Frederick the Great
      • Fight against Russia
    • 1761  Spain enters conflict on side of French.
      • King Charles III of Sain an Angolophobe
        • Had greievances against UK occupation of Gibralter
        • Anglo /Spanish commercial treaties - Eng merchants enjoyed a favourable position
        • feared for the safety of Spanish provencies in N.A.
      • Pitt anticipated this and sought pre-emptive strike but refused.
        • Pitt Resigned - only to be vindicated when Brittish cabinet declared war in Jan 1761
    • First treaty of Paris 10/02/1763
      • Signed by GB, France & Spain
        • GB "Swapping Snow for sugar cane and sun"
        • French lands East of Missip River & quebec awarded to GB, including the ohio river valley.
          • Ohio River valley was a pricipal cause of conflict
            • problems arose immediately
              • French had maintained a small presence
              • British settlers pushed west & conflicted with the native indians
                • 1763/4 Pontiacs Rebellion
                  • Ottawa chief command a local village near fort Detriot
                    • In early April 1763 Pontiac gathered warriors to take action
                      • went into fort to recce with a small paty
                        • promised to return
                        • british aware of possible attack but did not wish to offend
                        • 7th May 1763 Pontiac marched on fort - Cmdr Gladwin closed gates with 100 soldiers with white traders
                          • 8th more chiefs arrive to convince Gladwin all ok
                          • 9th May Canoes of Indians arrive -Gladwin refuses to speak
                          • 10th May the siege of Fort Detroit begins
                          • 29th May a relief force of 95 soldiers killed on way to relive the fort
                          • By the end of June 1763 all British forts along the frontier & Newly claimed territories had been captured by the Indians
                            • Only Forts not to be captured were - Pitt , Detroit & Niagra
                              • 28th July a relief coloumn of 200 men from regular and ranger units
                              • All available troops sent to Phillidelphia to stage an expedition to relive Fort Pitt.
                                • Several regiments had already been sent to the caribbean - also when American war ended many troops sent home
                              • Provincials and regulars would be raised in NY to retake Fort Niagrania
                  • agreed with the state of affairs under GB goivernment
                  • set up a campaign against fort Detroit in early April 1763
                    • an important outpost
                      • British blamed Pontiac for the entire uprising
                  • did not take part in any other actions
                • White settlers ignored Indians
          • in exchange France received Guaeloupe and Martinique
          • France resigned rights in Canada & French Acadia
            • France handed Louisianna to Spain in compensation for the loss of Florida from Spain to Uk in return for Cuba
        • France allowed to keep small Islands St. Pierre & Miquelon
        • GB took control of Florida from SPain in exchange for the Phiollipeans and cuba
        • GB was now the only major european power on the Atlantic seaboard of N.America
      • 2nd traety 15/02/1763 the treaty Hubertusburg
        • concluded the war between Austria & Prussia
    • France & Spain  waged war with GB for control of colonies
      • Phillipeans
      • All campaigns were a great success for Britain
      • India
      • Carribean
      • War came to an end as a result of exhuastion
    • 1760
      • Rogers rangers & 60th reg  told to occupy French Forts in the West
        • Troops given orders to accept French surrender
        • Soldiers told to meet with Indians
          • Solidiers told not to give gifts of Weapons or ammo
            • Indians who had changed sides from France to GB were offended
          • To persuade indians to side with GB and would be rewarded
            • GB signed agreement that land West of Alleghenies would be used by Indians for hunting
              • that trade in these areas would be cheaper
            • by 1761 all promises broken by GB
              • Indian representatives were aprehensive by proximity of GB forts / Death
            • Indians who had sided with GB not allowed to move West into former French territory
              • this upset Indians who had scores to settle with French allied tribes
                • who wanted access to the Ohio river valley
            • Capt Bouquet of 60th reg, became unpopular arresting whites operating illegally in the Ohio river valley
              • White settlers furious at army seen to be favouring Indians
                • Huge area allowed settlers to sneak in and hunt the area without army interferance
                  • Indians unsettled and clashes occurred between white settlers and indians
                    • Indian unrest
                      • Delaware
                      • Senecas
                        • formerly a British allied tribe
                        • seneca attack Fort Venango destroyed relations with British and former allies
                          • They had been accepted  in  only to massacre all troops
                          • 7th May 1763 Pontiac marched on fort - Cmdr Gladwin closed gates with 100 soldiers with white traders
                            • 8th more chiefs arrive to convince Gladwin all ok
                            • 9th May Canoes of Indians arrive -Gladwin refuses to speak
                            • 10th May the siege of Fort Detroit begins
                            • 29th May a relief force of 95 soldiers killed on way to relive the fort
                            • By the end of June 1763 all British forts along the frontier & Newly claimed territories had been captured by the Indians
                              • Only Forts not to be captured were - Pitt , Detroit & Niagra
                                • 28th July a relief coloumn of 200 men from regular and ranger units
                                • All available troops sent to Phillidelphia to stage an expedition to relive Fort Pitt.
                                  • Several regiments had already been sent to the caribbean - also when American war ended many troops sent home
                                • Provincials and regulars would be raised in NY to retake Fort Niagrania
                      • Miami
                      • War raging in europe
                        • French met with Indian chiefs to discuss a possib;e return of French to region
                      • held meetings to attacks forts but agreed not ready for all out rebellion
                      • Indian uprising began with killing of two white settlkers
                        • 1762
                          • Bouquet recognized potential for trouble and began to reinforce forts
                            • advised Gen Amhurst to provide further reinforcements
                              • Carribean amphibious campaign prevented suffcient reinforcement
                                • Carribean
                              • replaced on 17 Nov 1763 by Major General Gage
                                • Amhurts had developed the 1764 strategy before he lft
                          • Senecas
                            • formerly a British allied tribe
                            • seneca attack Fort Venango destroyed relations with British and former allies
                              • They had been accepted  in  only to massacre all troops
                          • Many tribes involved but the entirety of any one tribe
                            • Principal objectives appear to be the siezure of GB forts
                            • Unrelated attacks and disorganised
                        • Royal Proclimation 1763
                          • designed to settle regional issues but was ambigious
                            • French settlemnts North of New York and New England to become Quebec
                              • All of these colonies to operate under English Law
                                • That all other land not covered by these three colonies to be given to the Indians
                                  • Only Crown representatives could negotiate with Indians over the sale of land
                                    • No whites to settle in region and those already there to withdraw
                                      • White traders were allowed to cross into Indian territory but had to carry a licence
                              • the document was unclear what French Inhabitants on Indian Territiory should do
                            • Florida to be split into East and West Colonies
                              • All of these colonies to operate under English Law
                                • That all other land not covered by these three colonies to be given to the Indians
                                  • Only Crown representatives could negotiate with Indians over the sale of land
                                    • No whites to settle in region and those already there to withdraw
                                      • White traders were allowed to cross into Indian territory but had to carry a licence
                          • Ended uprising
                • Gave gifts to Indians for capturing illegal white settlers
                • 1762
                  • Bouquet recognized potential for trouble and began to reinforce forts
                    • advised Gen Amhurst to provide further reinforcements
                      • Carribean amphibious campaign prevented suffcient reinforcement
                        • replaced on 17 Nov 1763 by Major General Gage
                          • Amhurts had developed the 1764 strategy before he lft
                    • Cpt Bouquet gathered 500 men  and moved to fort Pitt
                      • Indians heard he was coming and went ahead to bushey run to ambush
                        • 5th August  1763 Bouquet skirmished with Indians
                          • Bouquet circled troops and was finally attacked at 1pm.
                            • Attack continued on 6th August. Bouquet pulled 2 light cmpy back as part of defense
                              • mistook the movement of troops as a retreat and made a disorganised attack.
                                • British  repelled attack and overwhelmed the Indians
                                  • Relieved Fort Pitt on 10th August
                      • Delayed because the colonial goverment took time to gather supplies
          • SEVEN YEARS War 1754-1763
            • France & Spain  waged war with GB for control of colonies
              • Phillipeans
              • All campaigns were a great success for Britain
              • India
              • War came to an end as a result of exhuastion


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