HVIII in England and Europe (Foreign policy)


Foreign Policy

Hviiis FR were conducted under the same constraints as his father's- European power politics had been dominated since 1494 by the Italian wars.

The king of FRel persistently tried, and failed to win control over Naples, Sicily and Milan- The warfare in southern Europe meant that Eng FP in northern Europe was little more than a sideshow in European terms, however, this much it meant to HVIII personally.
All he could do to claim his title 'King of France' was invad FR from the north, usually in alliance with the Duke of Burg, to put pressure on the FR gov in Paris.

Another constraint, which HVII also recognised was the need to constantly readjust Eng FRel to changes in European politics- The defining point in FRel came in 1519, when Charles HApsburg was eleccted as HRE combining that role with his existing powers as King of Sp and Duke of Burg

His victory in the imperial election over Francis I meant there were two immensely powerful, rival dynastic powers in Europe- The Hapsburg and Valois families; consquently, conflict between Hapsburg and Valois was imminent- H and Wolsey now in theory had a choice of one of two allies, although Eng economic interests were much more closely tied to the Hapsburgs as the Eng cloth trade depended on the markets of the duchy of Burg

Hvii had conducted FP essentially in a defensive manner, making a virtue of non-commitment. HVIII was unable to continue this policy for two important reasons.
- His own nature was war like and as a renaissance prince, he desired adventure,


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