B1 - Diet and Exercise

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  • B1 - Diet and Exercise
    • Balanced diet
      • Elements
        • Carbohydrate
          • Source of energy
        • Protein
          • Growth and repair of cells
        • Fats (lipids)
          • Source of energy
          • Provides storage and insulation
        • Vitamins
          • Vitamin C
            • Helps heal wounds
              • Lack can lead to scurvy
          • Vitamin D
            • Healthy bones and teeth
              • Lack can lead to rickets and bone pain
          • Vitamin A
            • Helps fight diseases
        • Minerals
          • Calcium
            • Healthy bones and teeth
          • Iron
            • Needed to produce haemoglobin,in red blood cells
              • Lack can cause anaemia
      • Fatty foods
        • One gram of fat releases almost twice as much energy as one gram of carbohydrate or protein.
    • Metabolic Rate
      • The rate at which chemical reaction happens in the cells.
      • The rate can be affected by your genes, inherited from your parents
      • The greater the proportion of muscle to fat the the body, the higher metabolic rate.
      • Can be increased in exercise.
    • Cholesterol
      • High levels of cholesterol in the blood increases risk to getting plaque build up in your arteries.
      • A clot blocks one artery that takes oxygenated blood to the heart, causing a heart attack.
      • Eating saturated fats raises cholesterol levels.
      • Unsaturated fats, in plants, seems to lower cholesterol levels.
      • Some people are better at maintaining cholesterol levels, this can be inherited.
      • Good Cholesterol
        • High intensity lipoprotein
          • Removes Cholesterol from walls of the blood vessels.
      • Bad cholesterol
        • Low density lipoprotein


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