Audience - Targetting and Appeal

  • Created by: rosannaaa
  • Created on: 10-04-18 12:07
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  • AUDIENCE - Targetting and Appeal
    • AUDIENCE PROFILING demographic (BARB)
      • Female, 18-24 ABC1
      • Top regions - Midlands, East Anglia, West Country
      • Politics - left wing, liberal
      • Professions - entertainment, home and garden, community and social care, hospitality
      • Audience - Len Goodman, Mary Berry, Nigel Slater
      • #GBBO at the beginning for young audience to interact (uses and grats)
      • Recognisable presenters - especially for pre existing fans.
      • Presenters attract to older audiences.
        • Men and women but more females due to feminine colours and elements used
    • Appeals to all ethnicities due to a range of culture in the show but more British.
    • Believed they would have a smaller audience due to channel loyalty.


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