American Presidents (1933-74)

  • Created by: Joe Dodd
  • Created on: 29-05-13 12:29
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  • American Presidents (1933-1974)
    • Franlin D. Roosevelt
      • 1933-45
      • Present at Yalta Conference (February, 1945).
    • Harry S. Truman
      • 1945-53
      • Present at Potsdam Conference (July/August, 1945).
      • Desegregated US Armed Forces - 1948.
      • Attempted to pass through Congress the failed Housing Act of 1949.
      • Commenced the Truman Doctrine, which included Marshall Aid - 1947.
    • Dwight D. Eisenhower
      • 1953-61
      • Sent in federal troops at Little Rock High School, Arkansas - 1957.
      • Passed 1957 Civil Rights Act that forbade any person from interfering with any other person's right to vote.
        • Ineffective, as little was done to cement these laws.
      • Passed 1960 Civil Rights Act that gave federal judges more authority to protect voting rights, and also required local authorities to keep thorough voting records.
        • Both Civil Rights Acts were ineffective, with the number of African American voters only increasing by 3% by 1960.
          • Passed 1957 Civil Rights Act that forbade any person from interfering with any other person's right to vote.
            • Ineffective, as little was done to cement these laws.
      • Sent in 'military advisers' to Vietnam.
    • John F. Kennedy
      • 1961-63
      • Supported Civil Rights Movement, and had good relationship with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
        • Showed his support for CR by supporting Freedom Riders (1961) and helping James Meredith attend Mississippi University (1962).
      • Began pushing for a new Civil Rights Act before his assassination,that was eventually passed in 1964 under Lyndon Johnson.
      • Appeared to 'win' the Cuban Missile Crisis, as it seemed he stood up to threat of Communism.
      • Increased number of 'military advisers' in Vietnam to 800.
        • Amount of US money, materials and support towards Vietnam all increased under Kennedy.
    • Lyndon B. Johnson
      • 1963-69
      • Introduced 1964 Civil Rights Act, which made it illegal for local government to discriminate in areas such as housing and employment.
      • Introduced 1965 Voting Rights Act, which banned literacy tests and allowed government agents to inspect voting procedures.
      • Massively increased US involvement in Vietnam, increasing number of troops in Vietnam from 20,000 to 500,000 over 4 years.
        • This is due to the Gulf of Tonkin Incident (1964).
    • Richard M. Nixon
      • 1969-75
      • Ends draft system in 1973.
      • Gradually withdraws US soldiers from Vietnam under policy of Vietnamisation, beginning May 1969.
      • Attends Paris Peace Conference in January 1973, overseeing ceasefire in Vietnam.
  • Both Civil Rights Acts were ineffective, with the number of African American voters only increasing by 3% by 1960.


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