US domestic policy and affairs: 1957-1964

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  • American domestic policy and affairs 1957-1964
    • 1957
      • 2nd May: McCarthy dies of hepatitis
    • 1960
      • 15th July: Kennedy makes his nomination acceptance speech at the DNC
      • 8th November: John F. Kennedy wins the presidential election against Nixon
    • 1963
      • 22nd November: John F. Kennedy is assassinated; Lyndon B. Johnson becomes President
    • 1964
      • 3rd November: Lyndon B. Johnson wins the presidential election against Goldwater
  • 1961
    • 3rd January: the Senate majority is returned Democratic
    • American domestic policy and affairs 1957-1964
      • 1957
        • 2nd May: McCarthy dies of hepatitis
      • 1960
        • 15th July: Kennedy makes his nomination acceptance speech at the DNC
        • 8th November: John F. Kennedy wins the presidential election against Nixon
      • 1963
        • 22nd November: John F. Kennedy is assassinated; Lyndon B. Johnson becomes President
      • 1964
        • 3rd November: Lyndon B. Johnson wins the presidential election against Goldwater
    • 20th January: Kennedy is inaugurated as president


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