Aeneas and Pallas' Death

  • Created by: dreamyrhi
  • Created on: 16-03-17 14:49
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  • Aeneas' reaction to Pallas' death
    • How does Aeneas react to Pallas' death? Is this an appropriate reaction?
      • Anger: "burning with rage"
      • Sadness: "Before his eyes he could see Pallas"
      • Violently: "Aeneas smashed his head to the ground"
      • It is appropriate because Aeneas was his friend/mentor and Pallas was still young. However. it could be seen as too emotional
    • How does Virgil explain Aeneas' reaction in an effective way?
      • He explains his relationship with Pallas: "The right hands of friendship"
      • His violence is necessary as the Trojans begin to loose: "Now was the time to help them."
      • An emphasis is put on Aeneas' anger: "burning with rage" + "in his fury"
    • How does Virgil create a harsh and violent tone?
      • Aeneas' vocal anger: "You will be left for the wild birds"
      • Similes: "like Aegaeon" and "a raging torrent of water or a strom of black wind"
      • Varying deaths: Spear, sword, chariot, etc.
    • What is your impression of Aeneas here?
      • Merciless: "Aeneas cut short his appeal"
      • Emotional: "With hatred in his heart"
      • Scary: "So did the Trojan leader deal out death."
    • What impression does the simile at lines 564-568 give of Aeneas?
      • Monstrous: "a hundred arms and a hundred hand."
      • Strong: "fifty was the number of swords he drew/"
      • Powerful/aggressive: He drew against the lightening of Jupiter."
    • Do you think these lines show Virgil to be a good storyteller?
      • They show a different side to Aeneas. We have seen him sad but not angry to this level.
      • It shows Aeneas being a heroic/brave character in a Homeric style (Eg: Achilles or Odysseus)


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