AC1.3- Ripple effect

  • Created by: zara vyas
  • Created on: 03-12-22 14:48
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  • AC1.3-ripple effect
    • definition: this describes the effect that an unreported crime can have on not only the victim and their family but the community at large
    • example: if an area is known for being dangerous with having lots of fights and even stabbings that go unreported and therefore police dont intervene then people will avoid the area meaning businesses will struggle
    • example: domestic abuse- if a child grows up in an environment where they think violence is okay they may go onto become violent if their relationships and so on
    • example: if a crime goes unreported and therefore unpunished like shoplifting someone else might see that and think that it is okay and commit the crime themselves
    • negative consequence as if a crime is unreported then it will affect more people than the starting victim and will also lead to an increase in crime rates as people will learn they can get away with things
    • stats: 89% of children know other children who shoplift – and 66% say they hang out with convicted teen shoplifters.
    • stats: one-third of people who are abused in childhood will become abusers themselves
    • ES: define, example relevant, link to brief, stats, pos/neg consequence


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