Abortion Arguments

  • Created by: Gaynor
  • Created on: 04-03-18 17:29
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  • Abortion Argument
    • Law and legal limits
      • 29 weeks
      • Viability?
        • When can it survive?
        • Up until birth?
      • 1967 Abortion Act
    • When does life begin?
      • Conception
      • 14 days (Implantation)
    • Social Questions
      • Health
      • Impact on family
      • Finance
    • Same as infanticide?
    • Circumstance of pregnancy
      • ****
      • Incest
    • Women's rights
      • Its their body they can do what they want
      • They should have the right to choose
  • Birth
    • When does life begin?
      • Conception
      • 14 days (Implantation)


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