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  • arguments concerning abortion
    • A woman has the right to choose whether or not she wants to have the baby. It is her body.
    • In the case of sexual assault, it would be lacking in compassion to deny a woman the right to an abortion.
    • The woman might be too young, or have work or family commitments which make bringing up a child near to impossible
    • The pregnant woman's health and welfare is more important than the embryos
    • The quality of life of the unborn child or the woman's existing children could be adversely affected by the birth.
    • Stopping legal abortions would mean a return to 'back street' abortions, causing suffering to the health and wellbeing of the woman.
    • Roman Catholics believe that life begins at conception and therefore abortion is morally wrong.
    • Every human being, including an embryo or fetus, has the right to live and to reach their potential.
    • There are alternatives to abortion, eg adoption.
    • People born with disabilities can live full and happy lives
  • for abortion
  • against abortion


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