Game of Polo with a Headless Goat

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  • A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat
    • juxtaposition of refined polo with savage, crazy goat: creates interest for readers
    • 'We waited for eternity'
      • hyperbole: use of extremism fits with the rest of the text, all very extreme
    • 'clouds of fumes and dust'
      • element of mystery: she doesn't know what's going to happen just as the reader is unsure
    • 'speeds of up to 40kph'
      • very impressive and comparable for readers.
      • juxtaposes ridiculousness of it all
    • 'horns tooting, bells ringing... special rattles'
      • triplet emphasises and builds up the volume
        • cacophony of noise
    • paragraph 5 is short, with lots of detail: reflects the business of the race
      • also very long sentences and overwhelming detail echoes chaotic race: list to speed up pace
        • asyndeton
    • 'The race was over.'
      • short sentence emphasises the abruptness of race's end
    • 'But I don't even have my license yet... I'm underage'
      • unlawfulness of this reflects the race (no traffic rules, racing down a main road)
    • reference to 'Wacky Races'
      • allows reader to relate race to a cartoon, which also conjures images of anarchy and chaos found in cartoons
    • 'We drove off...'
      • immediate high energy start to the article sets the pace and lets us know this is going to be fast and exciting
    • lull of tension made by villager on their bicycle
      • allows an even more exciting climax: created by longer sentences
    • 'Coming, coming...'
      • lack of any time phrase and urgency illustrates laidback lifestyle, which juxtaposes the West: F1 races have definite start times
    • 'Yaqoob loved it'
      • short sentence highlights certainty of the statement.
      • simplistic joy echoes the simpler lfestyle
    • 'the finishing line, the hospital gate'
      • foreshadowing: expecting an accident to occur
    • 'Voices were raised, fists were out and tempers rising'
      • triplet and sibilance to emphasise danger. Feeling it is still rising made by continuous tense




Very helpful, had detailed notes on most quotes. Would definitely recommend.



Es un juego amistoso de polo con una cabra sin cabeza. El equipo tiene tres jugadores y se necesita mucha habilidad para ganar. Es más fácil anotar si eres capaz de servir tu pelota con la mayor precisión posible. Debes visitar Los mejores proveedores de software de casino en línea en América Latina - 2022los nuevos e interesantes juegos.Debes meter la pelota en la portería y no dejar que rebote por el borde para poder ganar puntos con ese tiro.

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