Year 8 Geography

Name some things that cause flooding
Heavy rainfall, steep slopes, Burt banks, confluences, towns and cities, vegetation and impermeable rocks
1 of 13
Name some effects of flooding
Farmland damaged, roads blocked, damage to property, houses flooded
2 of 13
Where is Boscastle located
In the south west of England
3 of 13
Name some short term effects of the flooding in Boscastle
Sweage pipes burst, cars swept away, houses damaged and roads blocked
4 of 13
Name some long term effects of the flooding in Boscastle
Expensive insurance, lack of tourists and people turning homeless
5 of 13
State some of the things that Boscastle did to reduce flooding
They made the river bigger, planted more vegetation, raised the car park, built a newer and higher bridge and made the river banks stronger
6 of 13
How do LICs prevent flooding?
Build cyclone shelters, raise ducks instead of chickens, travel by boats and predict when cyclones are going to happen
7 of 13
What is a biotic feature?
Something that is living
8 of 13
What is an abiotic feature?
Something that is non living
9 of 13
What is an ecosystem?
A community of biotic and abiotic things working together to survive
10 of 13
What is a tectonic hazard?
A hazard caused by tectonic plates like volcano eruptions and earthquakes
11 of 13
Explain the structure of the earth
the outer most layer is called the crust, then the mantle, then the outer core and then the inner core
12 of 13
What are the 4 plate boundaries?
Destructive, collision, constructive and conservative
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name some effects of flooding


Farmland damaged, roads blocked, damage to property, houses flooded

Card 3


Where is Boscastle located


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name some short term effects of the flooding in Boscastle


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name some long term effects of the flooding in Boscastle


Preview of the front of card 5
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