Xerophytes and Hydrophytes

What is a xerophyte?
a plant that is adapted to reduce water loss
1 of 6
What is a hydrophyte
a plant that is adapted to survive in water
2 of 6
Give an example of a hydrophyte
Water lillies
3 of 6
Describe and explain how a water lilly adapted to survive in water? (6)
Large air spaces (1) for boyancy/rapid diffusion of gases to whole plant (1). Stomata on the upper surface (1) to maximise gas exchange as rest of plant is submerged in water (1). Flexible leaves (1) prevents damge by water currents
4 of 6
Give an example of a xerophyte
Marram grass
5 of 6
Describe and explain how marram grass is adapted to survive in dry conditions (6)
Hairs on epidermis (1) to trap air (1). Thick waxy cuticle (1) reduces water loss as it makes plant waterproof (1). Rolled leaves (1) to trap air (1).
6 of 6

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Card 2


What is a hydrophyte


a plant that is adapted to survive in water

Card 3


Give an example of a hydrophyte


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe and explain how a water lilly adapted to survive in water? (6)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give an example of a xerophyte


Preview of the front of card 5
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