Wolsey's domestic policy

What were Wolsey's 7 domestic policy aims?
(1) To ensure Justice, (2) Efficient Taxation to avoid corruption, (3) to protect men from enclosure and profiteering (4) To create opportunities to show off royal expenditure, (5) To ensure political stability and avoid rebellions with law and order, (6)
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When was the Star Chamber extended?
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What's the stat to show the star chambers newfound popularity?
dealt with 120 cases per year compared to 12 under Henry VII
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Why did the star chamber become increasingly inefficient?
It became swamped with cases
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When was the Act of Resumption and what was it?
1515, returned some crown lands that Henry VIII had given away to nobles at the start of his reign
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In 1523 what type of parliamentary tax did Wolsey introduce?
A new subsidy
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How much did he raise in subsidies?
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How much did he raise in clerical tax?
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How much did he raise in forced loans?
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How much was expenditure between 1509 to 1520?
£1.7 million (negative)
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What did Wolsey implement that was disguised as a gift but was really a heavy tax that sparked near rebellion?
1525 Amicable Grant
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When and why did Wolsey introduce the Elthdam Ordinances?
1526, to reform finances in the Privy Chamber by decreasing household expenditure but, in reality, was to reduce the number of gentlemen of the Privy chamber and replace the Groom of the stool, Crompton with Norris.
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What was Wolsey's main economic aim?
To tackle the problem of enclosure
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What was the result of the 1517 Enclosure commission?
Enclosure and Vagrancy were not reduced as the National enquiry he set up to see how much land was enclosed and the legal cases that were set up against landlords met opposition in parliament and were largely suspended.
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What did Wolsey do in 1526 to stimulate exports but, caused inflation and saw depression
debased the coinage
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What did Wolsey do to try and reform the church?
Closed 30 religious orders(mostly to convert to unis eg. oxford, cardinal college), aimed to improve the education of lower clergy, sacked 8 heads of monasteries, encouraged Henry to take a stand against Protestantism.
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What are the 3 criticisms of Woley in relation to the church?
Accused of Pluralism, too busy to exercise his church duties, accused of failing to modernise the Church.
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His policies so suggest a genuine attempt to bring about improvements but the largest gains were in areas that benefitted him personally
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what is an important aim of showing selfishness and curch things ?
Futherhis own position , modernise chruch and revisit reforms to
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When was the Star Chamber extended?



Card 3


What's the stat to show the star chambers newfound popularity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did the star chamber become increasingly inefficient?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When was the Act of Resumption and what was it?


Preview of the front of card 5
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