Other questions in this quiz

2. Out of these philosophers, who believes the SON would be harmonious?

  • Marx
  • Hobbes
  • Anarchists
  • Bentham

3. A Leviathan has....

  • No personal items to their name
  • Absolute power
  • Everything they need
  • No power

4. Define: Civil Disobedience

  • A public, violent, conscientious yet political act that DOES NOT break a law
  • A public, non-violent, conscientious yet political act that DOES NOT break a law usually done to create a change in a law
  • A public, non-violent, conscientious yet political act that breaks a law usually done to create a change in a law
  • A public, violent, conscientious yet political act that breaks a law usually done to create a change in a law

5. Who believes that the introduction of money would cause conflict in SON?

  • Locke
  • Hume
  • Hobbes
  • Anarchists


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