Weimar Germany

Name 3 advantages to the Weimar Republic?
All Germans could vote. All Germans were equal. Country was more stable.
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Name 3 disadvantages of the Weimar Republic?
Article 48 (complete power in emergency), lots of parties so it was difficult to decide on things, and the government had to accept the Treaty of Versailles.
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What 2 post war factors led to Hyperinflation?
Invasion of the Ruhr and Reparations.
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Name 5 things that were a result of Hyperinflation?
Crime rate increased, people lost their jobs, people starved, money lost it's value and people in debt could easily pay back loans.
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Name and describe briefly an opposition to the Weimar Republic?
Kapp Putsch (March 1920, led by Wolfgang Kapp, right wing, wanted to take over Germany, stopped by people striking).
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Name and describe briefly another opposition to the Weimar Republic?
The Spartacist Uprising (January 1919, led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg, communist, crushed by Freikorps, leaders killed).
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What was the Munich Putsch?
October 1923, Hitler marched into a meeting in Munich with 600 Nazi stormtroopers, took over headquarters of government, then police came and kicked them out.
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Why did Hitler start the Munich Putsch? (3reasons)
Angry about election being called off, 55,000 Nazi supporters, government was weak.
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Results of Munich Putsch?
Mein Kampf, Hitler put in prison, Nazi's banned, reorganised Nazi Party.
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Six points of Stresemann success?
Got French+Belgium troops to leave Ruhr(1925),Dawes Plan loans helped rebuild economy, Joined League of Nations (1926), Locarno Treaty to settle Germany's Western Borders (1925), Dawes Plan accepted (1924), Rentonmark introduced to stabilise economy.
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What was the Young Plan?
An expansion on the Dawes Plan so that Germany could borrow more money.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name 3 disadvantages of the Weimar Republic?


Article 48 (complete power in emergency), lots of parties so it was difficult to decide on things, and the government had to accept the Treaty of Versailles.

Card 3


What 2 post war factors led to Hyperinflation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name 5 things that were a result of Hyperinflation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name and describe briefly an opposition to the Weimar Republic?


Preview of the front of card 5
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