
  • Created by: Jauda
  • Created on: 06-05-15 17:43
What is weathering?
The breakdown of rocks by climate, chemicals, plants, and animals. They are broken down without being removed.
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Name the four types of weathering
Freeze-thaw, Onion-skin, Biological, Chemical
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Explain Freeze-thaw weathering (common in mountainous areas where temperatures are close to freezing point)
a.k.a. frost shattering.Water gets into a crack and freezes.As it turns to ice it expands and makes the crack a bit bigger.It thaws and the ice melts.Repeated freezing & thawing weakens the rock and it breaks.
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Explain Onion-skin weathering (common in desert areas where it is very hot during the day but cool at night)
Happens when a rock is repeatedly heated and cooled. As it is heated, the outer layer of the rock expands slightly & as it cools it contracts. Continual expansion and contraction causes small pieces of the rock surface to peel off like onion skin.
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Explain Biological weathering
Due to the action of plants and animals.Seeds fall into cracks in to rocks. Shelter and moisture help them grow into small plants or trees which gradually forces the cracks to widen and the rock to fall apart. Burrowing animals can also help break it
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Explain Chemical weathering (Greatest in places where it is warm and wet)
Caused by the action of water. Ordinary rainwater contains small amounts of acid. When it comes into contact with rock the acid corrodes it. Can be seen on buildings & in churchyards where stone has been worn away. Water and heat speed it up.
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Weathering is the breakdown of rocks by water, frost and temperature change. Rocks can also be broken down by the effects of animals and plants.
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Card 2


Freeze-thaw, Onion-skin, Biological, Chemical


Name the four types of weathering

Card 3


a.k.a. frost shattering.Water gets into a crack and freezes.As it turns to ice it expands and makes the crack a bit bigger.It thaws and the ice melts.Repeated freezing & thawing weakens the rock and it breaks.


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Card 4


Happens when a rock is repeatedly heated and cooled. As it is heated, the outer layer of the rock expands slightly & as it cools it contracts. Continual expansion and contraction causes small pieces of the rock surface to peel off like onion skin.


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Card 5


Due to the action of plants and animals.Seeds fall into cracks in to rocks. Shelter and moisture help them grow into small plants or trees which gradually forces the cracks to widen and the rock to fall apart. Burrowing animals can also help break it


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