Vietnam War

what is guerilla war?
ambushes, raids and hit and run operations carried out from behind enemy lines.
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whats the domino theory?
the political theory that if one nation comes under communist control then neighbouring countries are likely to fall to communism as well.
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who popularsied the phrase domino theory and when?
President Eisenhower in 1954
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why was the republic of south Vietnam set up?
The americans were concerned ther communists might win the elections so they helped the anti communist Ngo Dinh Dien set it up.
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to start with, what did the US supply to Diem's goverment?
materials, money and advice
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after what year did US support for south vietnam increase?
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What are some examples of US tactics?
Bombing, Search & Destory and Chemical Warfare.
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The Vietcong often set traps, why was this a problem for the US soliders?
They were inexperienced and were not familiar with the teritory.
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The search & destroy tactics made the US soliders very unpopular with the local civillians?
sometimes the wrong villages were attacked and burned, there was also a large number of vietnamese casualites
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what was agent orange used for?
destroy jungle foliage in order to help find vietcong fighters.
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what does Napalm do?
It was highly inflammable and burnt everything which it came in contact with
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when was the TET offensive?
january 1968
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what was the TET offensive?
when the vietcong launched a major attack on about 100 vietnamese cities during the New Year ('TET') bholiday.
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When was the My Lai Massacre?
March 1968
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What was the My Lai Massacre?
a group of US soliders on a search & destroy mission were informed that Vietcong soliders were hiding in the Villiage of My Lai, they were told that the villages would be out and they were told to kill everyone found.
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within 4 hours how many civillians were killed?
400, mostly women, children and old men
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How many Vietcong soliders were actually found in the My Lai Villiage?
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What were the Search & Destroy tactics?
Us & South Vietnamese forces would use helicopted to land quickly near Vietnamese villages and kill hiding Vietcong fighters
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When was the Gulf of Tonkin?
August 7th 1964
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what was the Gulf of Tonkin resolution?
it authorised president Johnson to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against armed forces of the United States and to prevent further agression.
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How many soliders did the Vietcong have?
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who supplied weapons to the Vietcong?
Communist china and the USSR
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whats containment?
a foreign policy aimed at containing the politcial influence or military power of another country
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what made the Vietcong soliders very hard to identify?
they didn't wear uniform
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


whats the domino theory?


the political theory that if one nation comes under communist control then neighbouring countries are likely to fall to communism as well.

Card 3


who popularsied the phrase domino theory and when?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


why was the republic of south Vietnam set up?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


to start with, what did the US supply to Diem's goverment?


Preview of the front of card 5
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