
  • Created by: Tb07
  • Created on: 05-12-22 21:29
when did communists take control of China?
1 of 23
Between 1946 and 1949, how much aid did the USA give to the nationalists in China?
2 of 23
who ruled Korea until 1945?
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who led the South?
Syngman Rhee
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how did the war start?
Hostility between the two leaders spilled out into open warfare
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what were Truman's first actions when the war began?
send troops, supplies, advisors and warships to the waters around Korea
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why could the USSR not stop UN action?
China was boycotting the UN
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how influential was the USA in the UN?
very - biggest contributor to UN budget
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When did 500 soldiers land in Osan, South Korea, to recapture it from the KPA?
5th July 1950
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when was the battle of Taejon?
21st July 1950
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what did General MacArthur do at Inchon?
An amphibious landing
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what did General MacArthur want to do, which ended up getting him fired?
invade China and completely eradicate communism
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what did China do in response to Truman's aggression?
send 200,000 troops
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what happened when the Chinese troops invaded?
Americans were pushed back behind the 38th parallel
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what happened when both sides reached a stalemate?
only small battles were fought, negotiations were made
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what happened in the summer of 1951?
Additional troops were deployed, communists pushed back behind 38th parallel
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what was agreed ad Panmunjom?
both sides agreed the 38th parallel should be the border between the North and the South
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why could the two sides not agree?
Prisoners of war - China/North Korea approved forced repatriation but USA disagreed
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when was the armistice finally signed?
27th July 1953
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what did the Amastice agree to?
prisoners of war could remain where they wanted, new border near 38th parallel was drawn giving the south an additional 1500 square miles, 2.5 mile wide demilitarised zone was established
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how many Korean troops died?
1.3 million
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how many American troops died?
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how many Chinese troops died?
over half a million
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Card 2


Between 1946 and 1949, how much aid did the USA give to the nationalists in China?



Card 3


who ruled Korea until 1945?


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Card 4


who led the South?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how did the war start?


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