The Korean War Quiz

  • Created by: mm2004
  • Created on: 10-09-18 20:59
Which countries was the war fought against?
North and South Korea
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When did it start and end?
25th June 1950-27th July 1953
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Both governments of Korea claimed to be...
The sole legitimate government of Korea
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When did North Korean forces move into the South of Korea?
25th June 1950
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Who supported the North Korean forces?
Soviet Union and China
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The United States provided....
90% of the military personnel
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Where were the South Korean and US forces forced back into?
Pusan Perimeter
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In September 1950...
A UN counter offensive was launched at Incheon and cut off many north Korean troops
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In October 1950...
Mass Chinese forces crossed the Yalu river and entered the war, retreating the UN forces until mid 1951
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Why did the war end?
An armistice was signed to separate North and South Korea and allow the return of prisoners
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What was the 38th parallel?
The boundary between North Korea and South Korea
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Was the invasion the first military action of the Cold War?
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As far as the Americans were concerned, it was a 'war against the forces of international communism itself" True or false?
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What were American officials scared would happen if an armistice wasn't fashioned?
WW3 would start, or a wider war with Russia and China
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Approximately how many people lost their lives in the war?
5 million
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How many soldiers from the North Korea People's Army initially came across the 38th parallel?
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Who occupied North Korea?
The Russians
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Who occupied South Korea?
The Americans
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Was Syngman Rhee anti-communist or communist?
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Was Kim Il Sung anti-communist or communist?
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What was the initial motive for The Allies?
It was a defensive motive- to get the Communists out of South Korea
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Who was the weaker side?
The Allies
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The war was fought in one of the most hottest and driest summers on record. What were American soldiers often forced to do?
Drink contaminated water which posed the threat for dangerous diseases
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Who was the commander in charge for the UN?
General Douglas MacArthur
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MacArthur and Truman had decided on a new motive. What was it?
Offensive motive to liberate the North of Communism
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What did the amphibious assault at Inchon do?
Pushed the North Koreans out of Seoul and back to their side
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When did it start and end?


25th June 1950-27th July 1953

Card 3


Both governments of Korea claimed to be...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When did North Korean forces move into the South of Korea?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who supported the North Korean forces?


Preview of the front of card 5
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