USA Land of Freedom?

  • Created by: Annagc
  • Created on: 27-05-17 15:18
Berlin Blockade
1948, USSR cut supply routes into Western Berlin, USA led a 15 month airlift of supplies to prevent Soviet takeover
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What had happened to the countries of eastern Europe by 1948?
They were under the control of Moscow and had communist governments either elected or had imposed on them e.g Poland and Hungary
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North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Military alliance against the soviet threat formed in 1949
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When did the USSR developed it's own atomic bomb?
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When and by who was China taken over by?
1949, Mao Zedong
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Where was communism advancing in 1949?
Malaya, Indonesia, Burma and the Phillipines
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What was the job of the Federal Bureau of Investigation?
Investigate government employees
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Who was J Edgar Hoover and what did he do?
FBI director 1947-50, investigates 3 million employees and forced 212 out
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What did President Truman set up?
Federal Employee Loyalty Programme in 1947 to see if government workers were communist, they took oaths
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What did the House of Un-American Activities Committee do?
Blacklisted people, jailed the Hollywood Ten for 1 year, it was front page news
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Hiss Case
Whittaker Chambers admitted being a communist, he accused Hiss who worked in the US state department of passing secrets to the USSR and he was sentenced to 5 years in prison
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The Rosenburgs
Julies and Ethel Rosenburg were accused of being spies and passing secrets to the USSR. Trail was in 1951 and they were found guilt and executes in June 1953
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The McCarran Act
1950, internal security act - communist groups had to be registered, communists couldn't have a US passport, detention camps
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How many African Americans served in the armed forces?
1 million
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What was a success of black army units?
Battle of the Bulge in Europe, 1944
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How many African Americans migrated to help with the war effort
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Jim Crow Laws
any public facility could be segregated into black and white e.g. transport, schools, water fountains
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Problems faced by African Americans?
threatened with lynching when trying to vote, best universities closed, police brutality, white juries acquitted whites accused of killing blacks, white teachers earned 30% more
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Brown vs Topeka Board of Education
1954, Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren in favor of Brown and NAACP, declared segregated education unequal, ordered southern states to set up integrated schools 'with all deliberate speed'. It was seen as a 'test case' so see what would happen
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Little Rock High School, Arkansas
1957, Supreme Court ordered Governor of Arkansas, Orval Fabus to let 9 black students attend a white school, Faubus sent state troops to prevent it. President Eisenhower sent federal troops to protect them.
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James Meredith and Mississippi University
1962, he got his exclusion overturned. Robert Kennedy the US attorney general sent federal troops to protect him. He was the first black student to enroll and he graduated three years later.
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Rosa Parks arrest
December 1955, Montgomery Alabama, she refused to give up her seat and was arrested and fined $10
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Protests against Rosa Parks arrest
MIA bus boycott, black taxi drivers charged cheaper fares, bus company lost 65% of its income, organised a carpool for 2/3 of people who would have got the bus
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Supreme Court reaction to MIA protest
December 1956, declared Montgomery bus law illegal as it was uncontitutional
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Civil Rights Act 1957
investigate obstruction of voting rights and prosecute those who denied people the right to vote. First civil rights act since 1875.
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Civil Rights Act 1960
Increased record keeping and supervision of voting procedures
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James Farmer, May 1961 - Freedom rides in Birmingham Alabama (Aniston bus attack). 200 spent 40 days in jail
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Black and white students, 1960 - North Carolina, four black students sat on white only seats in Woolworths, within a week 400 sit-ins at lunch counters. By end of 1960 lunch counters were desegregated in 126 cities
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Formed by Martin Luther King, trained civil rights activists in non-violent protest techniques
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What was MLK's focus ?
Ending segregation and voting restrictions. Not as successful at tackling Urban Poverty.
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When was MLK assassinated ?
April 1968 in Memphis
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What was Malcolm X's focus ?
Poverty and exploitation in US cities
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What did Malcolm X's change his views on ?
Did think black people should live differently from the white system.
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What did MLK and Malcolm X disagree on ?
MLK belived you should work within the political system and Malcolm didn't.
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When was Malcolm X assasinated ?
1965, Harlem New York by black Muslims
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Birmingham marches
April 1963, media coverage and lead to desegregation of shops/lunch counters, MLK and other marchers arrested/attacked
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March on Wahington
August 1963, 200,000 demonstrators, first event broadcast live and MLK 'I have a dream speech'
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SNCC voting rights
1964, tried to increases number of blacks registered in Mississippi, 1000 northern, white, college students volunteered to help pass the literacy test. At least 6 volunteers were murdered and not many more people voted.
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Civil Rights Act 1964
Banned Discrimination in education, public places and businesses with more than 25 employees, passed by President Johnson,
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Selma to Montgomery march
1965, state troops attacked protesters, Johnson, provided federal troops to protect them
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Riots in New York and Washington
1965, hundreds of deaths, thousands of arrests, billions of dollars worth of damage
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Why was the march in Birmingham?
Hadn't been desegregated, police e.g. Bull Connor had links to the KKK, called Bomingham because of violence against African Americans
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What did Eugene 'Bull' Connor do at the Birmingham marches?
Used police dogs and water cannons to break up peacedul demonstrations
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I have a dream speech
Religious and family message, refers to Mississippi, patriotic - national anthem, Lincoln Memorial steps where Lincoln made the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863
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When was President Kennedy assassinated?
November 1963
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Voting Rights Act
1968, government could inspect voting procedures, banned literacy test, Detroit, Atlanta and Cleveland elected black mayors
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Black Panther Party
October 1966, California, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale
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What did the Black Panthers organize?
Free breakfasts and healthcare in poor black areas
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What was the position of the Black Panther party by 1968?
they were in 25 American cities with 2000 members
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Negative impact of the Black Panthers
Ineffective, alienated whites, increased force/monitoring from FBI, little impact on living conditions, responsible for riots, media coverage based on fear, after civil rights movement
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Positive impact of Black Panthers
Publicity, pride, Stokley Carmichael and MLK agreed on need to fight poverty and both criticized Vietnam war, community projects
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Black Power
Desire to get more power for black people by using violence. Increase black culture
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Nation of Islam
Islamic group in 1930 with preached self reliance and importance for black americans
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Black Nationalism
Desire for separate black state, blacks should be separate and independent from white society
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Black Panther aims
Power to determine own destiny, employment, end robbery by the white man, housing, education which includes true history, exempt from military, end police brutality/murder, freedom for men in prisons, jury from black community
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Discrimination faced by Hispanic Americans
employment, violence, lower wages, poor housing, educational segregation, police prejudice.
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What was the Mexican Repatriation Programme?
US government encouraged people to voluntarily return to Mexico. 1 million were forcibly removed even though 60% were American citizens
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Riots in Los Angeles
1943, riots between US naval servicemen and Hispanic residents. The local police assisted the Naval servicemen
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Aims of Chicano civil rights movement
reassert national pride and identity, workers rights, reform education, land rights
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Pull factors for immigration into America
Better standard of living, regular work, large amounts of agricultural workers needed
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Economic factors that led to immigration?
Mexico was a poorer country, wages could be sent home to improve education and medicine
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Political development - 1942
Bracero Program- US and Mexican governments agreed on a program that brought thousands of Mexican workers to US farms
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Political developments - 1959
Many Hispanic immigrants from Cuba after Fidel Castro's communist takeover
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Political developments - 1965
Immigration Act, relaxed USA's border controls so immigrants could bring their families into the country
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Achievements for Chicano Civil Rights
1965 California grape pickers strike for higher wages , support of Senator Robert Kennedy, 1966 three day march from New Mexico to Sante Fe demanding land to be given back, 1974 Equal Opportunity Act more bilingual education programmes
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Problems that remained for Chicanos
Largely poor and discriminated within society, no substantial educational reforms
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Why was the Immigration act in 1965 important?
Colour and national origin were no longer factors in the selection process. Also it greatly increased the number of immigrants which changes the diversity in America
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Problems faced by Native Americans
Poverty, unemployment, alcoholism, illiteracy, many not granted full voting rights until 1948
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What does AIM stand for and when was it formed?
American Indian Movement, 1968
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What is meant by reservations?
In 1800's the US government forced Native Americans to live on specific plots of poor quality land.
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What is assimilation?
Trying to introduce Native Americans into mainstream society
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What does BIA stand for and what did they do?
Bureau of Indian Affairs. Tried to assimilate Native Americans. In 1940's they ordered native american children to be removed from reservations and sent to boarding school
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What was negative about BIA policies?
Attacked Native Americans culture and traditions
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What did AIM members do in 1972?
500 members protested and occupied the BIA offices in Washington DC. $700,000 worth of damage was done to the building.
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What did AIM members do in 1973?
Occupied Wounded knee in South Dakota
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Why was Wounded knee symbolic?
Site of an infamous massacre of 150 native Americans by government forces in 1890
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Why did Native Americans protest?
BIA head **** Wilson mishandling funds for welfare of Native Americans, draw attention to environmental and health effects of mining operations in Dakota hills
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Result of the Wounded Knee protest?
Lasted 71 days, 2 people died, it was abandoned
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Indian Child Welfare Act
1973, children couldn't be taken away to be raised elsewhere
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Indian Self Determination Act
1975, ended policy of assimilation, they were free to govern themselves
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Positive affects of Wounded Knee protest
Nationwide publicity, Nixon returned 48,000 acres of land to Taos Pueblo Indians
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What did Hollywood actor Marlon Brando do during the occupation of Wounded Knee?
Asked a famous Native American to speak on his behalf at the Oscars
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Problems faced by women?
Earned 50% of what a man earned for the same job. Expected to look after the children and do housework despite women in employment rising.
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Achievements of Women
1960 Contraceptive pill, 1963 Equal Pay Act, 1964 Civil Rights Act, 1972 Educational Amendment Act, 1973 Roe vs Wade abortion made legal
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Roe vs Wade
It was decided that having an abortion was part of your right to privacy
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National Organisation for Women, 1966, Betty Friedan, 40,000 members, challenged discrimination in court, believed in traditional families
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Women's Liberation movement
1968, picketed Miss World Beauty contest in Atlantic City, bra burning demonstartions
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Limitations of the women's movement
Women's Lib were too extreme, anti-feminists like STOP ERA prevented Equal Rights Amendment becoming law
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Position of women in late '70's
Few achieved top positions in congress, business or industry
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What had happened to the countries of eastern Europe by 1948?


They were under the control of Moscow and had communist governments either elected or had imposed on them e.g Poland and Hungary

Card 3


North Atlantic Treaty Organisation


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When did the USSR developed it's own atomic bomb?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When and by who was China taken over by?


Preview of the front of card 5
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