Unit test: forces 9i

What are the units of force?
Newtons (N)
1 of 15
What forces act on a cliff diver?
Gravity + air resistance
2 of 15
When the resultant force is zero, we say an object is in...
3 of 15
what is the equation for weight?
weight = mass x gravitational field strength
4 of 15
what are the units for gravaitational field strength?
Newtons per kilogramme, (N/kg)
5 of 15
what is relative motion?
when two objects travelling in the same direction, fastest speed - slowest, if in opposite directions, add.
6 of 15
what is the equation for speed?
speed = distance/time
7 of 15
what is the equation for calculating a moment?
force (N) x distance(m) = moment (Nm)
8 of 15
When talking about pivots, what is the weight of the object called?
the load
9 of 15
Give two examples of a force multiplier
a lever, a ramp
10 of 15
Give two examples of distance multipliers
a fishing rod, a cricket bat
11 of 15
we use levers and gears to transmit the ____ effect of the force from one place to another.
12 of 15
what is the term in physics used for energy transfer? (and its unit)
work, joules (J)
13 of 15
what is the equation for work?
work = force x distance moved by the object
14 of 15
give an example of a class one, two and three lever.
seesaw, wheelbarrow, stapler
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What forces act on a cliff diver?


Gravity + air resistance

Card 3


When the resultant force is zero, we say an object is in...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the equation for weight?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the units for gravaitational field strength?


Preview of the front of card 5
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