Prove the Point


Draw diagrams of the particles in solids, liquids

NCERT Solutions, CBSE Sample Papers and Syllabus for Class 9 to 12 ...

1 of 18

Changes in motion and arrangement of particles

Solids - particles tightly held together, fixed positions, vibrate to and fro

Liquids - particles close together but can move, don't keep definite shape, particles move past each other

Gases - particles are far apart and whizz about a lot, weak forces of attractions between the particles, move quickly in all directions.

2 of 18

Describe diffusion using the particle model.

Diffusion is just particles speading out.

Diffusion is particles moving from area of high concentration to low concentration.

3 of 18

Naming elements from symbols

C - Carbon

Na - sodium

Cl - clorine

K - pottasium

Fe - iron

H - hydrogen

O - oxygen

Mg - magnesium

S - Sulphur

Cu - copper

4 of 18

State how many atoms are in each of these compound

1) CO2 - 3

2) H2SO4 - 7

3) C6H12O6 - 24

5 of 18

Name the compound formed in this reaction


copper sulphide  CuS

6 of 18

Give 2 signs that a chemical reaction has taken pl

colour change, bubbles, precipitation

7 of 18

Give an example of a physical change





sublimiing (rare)



8 of 18

Explain the difference between chemical and physic

A chemical change produces a new substance, while a physical change does not.

A physical change nothing is lost and nothing is gained, but it changes the arrangement of the particles (solid, liquid, gas) and their energy (how much they move)

9 of 18

Write the word equation

Hydrocloric acid+lithium hydroxide--> salt+lithium cloride+water

10 of 18

Name this compound: MgO

Magnisium oxide

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Name this compound: MgCO3

Magnisium carbonade

12 of 18

State the mass of calcium


13 of 18

complete the equation Fuel + oxygen -->

Fuel + oxygen -->  carbon dioxide + water vapour

14 of 18

What happens to Ca(OH)2 when CO2 is bubbled

If CO2 is bubbled through lime water it reacts with the calcium hydroxide to produce calcium carbonate.

15 of 18

What do we use to test for the presence of water?

copper sulphate

16 of 18

What name do we give for the burning of a fuel in


17 of 18

Calculate the mean of these numbers: 0.9, 1.3, 1.2


18 of 18


Graziano Pelle



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