Unit 314 - Dental radiography 1

Radiation can be:
None of the previous answers
1 of 25
Quality assurance in radiography is a:
Legal requirement
2 of 25
Recall patients who have a high caries risk should be radiographed at what intervals using horizontal bitewings?
6 monthly
3 of 25
What is the purpose of black paper in intraoral film packets?
Prevents exposure of the film to light
4 of 25
What is classed as a safe level of X-ray exposure?
There isn't a safe level
5 of 25
What are extraoral cassettes marked with?
The letter L
6 of 25
What type of waste are X-ray processing chemicals?
Non-infectious hazardous
7 of 25
What is the reason for the exposure fault "elongation of the image"?
Collimator angulation too shallow
8 of 25
What is the reason for the exposure fault "foreshortening of the image"?
Collimator angulation too steep
9 of 25
What is the reason for the exposure fault "Coning"?
Collimator angulation is not central
10 of 25
What is the reason for the exposure fault "blurred image"?
Patient or collimator moved during exposure
11 of 25
What is the reason for the exposure fault "fogged film"?
Exposed to light before exposure
12 of 25
Intraoral films are:
Pale green
13 of 25
What is the reason for the exposure fault "blank film"?
X-ray machine not switched on
14 of 25
What causes a crazed pattern on a film?
Film dried too quickly over a strong heat source
15 of 25
Which legislation states that waste developer chemicals should be collected by licensed waste contractors?
Environmental Protection Act
16 of 25
Whose responsibility is it to adhere to the principles of justification and optimisation?
IRMER practitioner
17 of 25
What should a lateral oblique radiograph show?
Posterior portion of one side of the mandible
18 of 25
If a film which had been developed showed severe angulation faults what quality grade would it be given?
19 of 25
What quality score would be given to a radiograph that wasn't as dark as usual due to chemicals becoming spent, but was still readable?
20 of 25
Details must be provided to show analysis of a radiograph has taken place as part of the quality assurance log. Which grades must this be completed for?
21 of 25
The quality assurance log should demonstrate that what percentage of radiographs have been graded a 1 as a minimum?
22 of 25
According to IRR99 the controlled area should be what distance from the machine head?
23 of 25
The pimple of an X-ray should be:
Facing the X-ray tube
24 of 25
According to IRR99 the safety zone should be what distance from the machine head?
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Quality assurance in radiography is a:


Legal requirement

Card 3


Recall patients who have a high caries risk should be radiographed at what intervals using horizontal bitewings?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the purpose of black paper in intraoral film packets?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is classed as a safe level of X-ray exposure?


Preview of the front of card 5
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