
  • Created by: madi1904
  • Created on: 08-11-22 12:35
what is the public sector?
a group of organisations who provide different types of health and social it is accessible to everyone as it is funded by the public for the public.
1 of 8
what 3 types of health care are provided threw the public sector
primary, secondary and tertiary
2 of 8
what does the NHS foundation trust do
make decisions locally to best suit the needs of those in the community
3 of 8
who is adult social care for
4 of 8
why might children need child services
children who are suspected of being vulnerable
5 of 8
what can child social services do for parents
give parenting classes
6 of 8
what do GPS do
diagnose and treat illnesses but also work to prevent it
7 of 8
what is a voluntary sector
funded by charitable donations
8 of 8

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Card 2


what 3 types of health care are provided threw the public sector


primary, secondary and tertiary

Card 3


what does the NHS foundation trust do


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Card 4


who is adult social care for


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why might children need child services


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