Understanding Relationships - WK 8 Key Terms

Exchange Relationship
A relationship where people exchange rewards in order to receive benefits in return
1 of 10
Cost-reward ratio
Principle of social exchange theory, where liking for another is determined by calculating what it will cost to be reinforced by the other individual
2 of 10
Communal relationship
A relationship in which people reward their partner out of direct concern and to show caring
3 of 10
A situation where each person's thoughts, feelings & behaviours influence those of other peoples
4 of 10
Close relationship
A relationship involving strong & frequent interdependence in many aspects of life
5 of 10
Strong emotional bond that includes understanding & support
6 of 10
Combined forces that hold partners together during an enduring relationship
7 of 10
Attachment styles
People's basic securely attached, avoidant or anxious orientation towards others in close relationships
8 of 10
Social support
Emotional & physical coping resources provided by other people
9 of 10
Three types of interdependence
Cognitive, behavioural, affective
10 of 10

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Card 2


Principle of social exchange theory, where liking for another is determined by calculating what it will cost to be reinforced by the other individual


Cost-reward ratio

Card 3


A relationship in which people reward their partner out of direct concern and to show caring


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Card 4


A situation where each person's thoughts, feelings & behaviours influence those of other peoples


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Card 5


A relationship involving strong & frequent interdependence in many aspects of life


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