  • Created by: Bootsy
  • Created on: 04-11-17 15:38
What are woven fabrics made up of?
WEFT which is the yarn going across the width of the fabric and the WARP which is the yarn going down the length of the loom and the SELVEDGE which is the side of the fabric where the wefts are double backed to form a fraying edge
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What are the 3 types of weave?
Plain weave, Twill weave and Satin weave
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Define Plain weave
The warp and the weft are alligned so that they form a simple criss-cross pattern
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Define Twill weave
The crossings of weft and warp are offset to give a diagonal pattern on the fabric surface
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Define Satin weave
There is a complex arrangement of warp and weft threads, which allows longer float threads either across the warp or the weft
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What qualities does a plain weave have? And what products is it used in?
Its strong and hardwearing so its used for fashion and furnishing fabrics
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What qualities does a twill weave have? And what products is it used in?
It's storng and drapes well so it's used in jeans, jackets and curtains
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What qualities does a satin weave have?
The long floats mean the light falling on the yarn doesn't scatter and break up
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Card 2


What are the 3 types of weave?


Plain weave, Twill weave and Satin weave

Card 3


Define Plain weave


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define Twill weave


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define Satin weave


Preview of the front of card 5
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