Turning to Crime- Biology- Raine

  • Created by: Kaydee
  • Created on: 10-04-13 18:41
What is the aim of Raine's study?
To take a multi factorial approach to understanding antisocial and aggressive behaviour in children with a biological focus
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What methodology did Raine use?
A review article
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What did the articles Raine use cover?
Neurology, Neuropsychology and brain imaging studies
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What does Raine believe is a good predictor in an indvidual who will seek excitement, creating a fearless temperament?
A low resting heartrate
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New research suggests that final connections in the pre-frontl lobes are still forming up to what age?
Early 20s
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What explanation does Raine give to explain why offendiing peaks during adolescence?
Activity in the prefrontal lobes have been shown to be lower in impulsive individuals who are likely to be antisocial and aggressive
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What other factors does Raine say could add to the risk of pre-frontal lobe damage?
Birth complications and poor parenting paired with physical abuse and malnutrition, smoking and drinking during pregnancy
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What is the conclusion of Raine's study?
Early intervention and prevention may be an effective way of reversing biological deficits that predispose to antisocial and aggressive behaviour
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Card 2


What methodology did Raine use?


A review article

Card 3


What did the articles Raine use cover?


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Card 4


What does Raine believe is a good predictor in an indvidual who will seek excitement, creating a fearless temperament?


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Card 5


New research suggests that final connections in the pre-frontl lobes are still forming up to what age?


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