Traditional Marxism

Marxist Theories

  • Created by: ncs1997
  • Created on: 01-04-15 12:10
What does Criminogenic Capitalism mean?
Capitalism causes crime.
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What 3 ways can it cause working class crime?
Poverty can mean crime is the only way to survive. Crime may be the only way to obtain goods advertised. Alienation and lack of control may lead to frustration and aggression.
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How does it encourage white-collar crime?
There is a need to win and out-compete others that leads capitalists to corporate crime such as tax evasion.
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Laws to protect private property are the cornerstone of the capitalist economy. E.g. in the colonies Britain made the natives work by introducing tax they had to pay. The ruling class also have the power to prevent the introduction of laws.
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What is selective enforcement? (Jeffrey Reiman)
Powerless groups are criminalised but the police and courts tend to ignore the crimes of the powerful.
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How do the law, crime and criminals perform an ideological function for capitalism?
Laws are occasionally passed that appear to be for the benefit of the working class e.g. health and safety laws.
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What 3 ways do marxists argue that these laws aren't for the benefit of the working class.
Pearce - such laws benefit the ruling class too e.g. keeping rulers fit for work. Carson - such laws aren't actually enforced. Also, because of selective enforcement, the working class blame the criminals in their midst for their problems.
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What 5 ways is traditional Marxism criticised?
Ignores non-class inequalities. Deterministic. Not all capitalist societies have high crime rates. Criminal justice system sometimes acts against capitalism. Left Realists - ignores intra-class crime.
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Card 2


Poverty can mean crime is the only way to survive. Crime may be the only way to obtain goods advertised. Alienation and lack of control may lead to frustration and aggression.


What 3 ways can it cause working class crime?

Card 3


There is a need to win and out-compete others that leads capitalists to corporate crime such as tax evasion.


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Card 4


Laws to protect private property are the cornerstone of the capitalist economy. E.g. in the colonies Britain made the natives work by introducing tax they had to pay. The ruling class also have the power to prevent the introduction of laws.


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Card 5


Powerless groups are criminalised but the police and courts tend to ignore the crimes of the powerful.


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