Topic 1 - What is sociology?

  • Created by: E456
  • Created on: 22-03-17 13:53
the study of society
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a group of people who share a culture or way of life
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social structures
the institutions and groups that make up a particular society. In contemporary Britain, these include families, the media, the education system, the political system and the legal system
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social institutions
can be seen as patterns of behaviour or relationships in society that are to a large extent permanent; a social institution can also be seen as a structure made up of statuses, roles or norms
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social control
the processes or ways in which our behaviour is regulated or kept in check
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social processes
the processes by which something (such as social control, socialisation or social change) takes place in society
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social issues
the concerns that people have about particular aspects of society including the problems facing society such as poverty, crime, and inequalities of wealth and power
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social problems
social issues that are regarded as damaging to society, such as discrimination, poverty and youth crime
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social policies
actions put into place by bodies such as governments or local authorities to tackle particular social problems
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Card 2


a group of people who share a culture or way of life



Card 3


the institutions and groups that make up a particular society. In contemporary Britain, these include families, the media, the education system, the political system and the legal system


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Card 4


can be seen as patterns of behaviour or relationships in society that are to a large extent permanent; a social institution can also be seen as a structure made up of statuses, roles or norms


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Card 5


the processes or ways in which our behaviour is regulated or kept in check


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