Sociology- BASICS

self-completion questionnaire
respondents complete the questionnaire themselves and then return it to the researcher
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interview questionnaires
questions ae read out t the respondent by the researcher, who then records the respondents answers
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closed questions
respondents are presented with either a list of options or a two-way choice and have to select the response with which they most agree (yes/no)
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open questions
respondents are free to answer the question in anyway they like; there are no present opinions
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patterns of behaviour or attitudes seen in evidence
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standardised questions
all respondents are asked the same questions in the same order, allowing for comparisons to be made
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low-response rate
not everyone that you want to participate in your research may do so, meaning that your respondents may no longer be typical of the population under study
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data presented in a numerical form as a percentage
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quantitative data
numerical data, often presented as statistics
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qualitative data
in-depth data usually presented in written form
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structured interview
a set of standardised present questions is read out to the respondent by the researcher
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unstructured interview
a very flexible interview, like a conversation (informal)
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semi-structured interview
somewhere in-between structured and unstructured interview
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focus group
several respondents are interviewed at once and are allowed to discuss the questions being asked of them
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research population
the group(s) of people relevant to the study being completed
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interviewer bias
where the researcher influences the answers the respondent gives
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social desirability
where the respondent gives the kind of answer that they think the researcher would want to hear
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non-participant observation
where a researcher watches a group without getting involved in what they're doing
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participant observation
where the researcher joins the group being studied and acts as they do whilst completing the observation
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covert observation
where the researcher doesn't let the group being studied know that they're being observed
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overt observation
where the researcher tells the group that they're being observed. (doesn't try hide their presence from the group)
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studying topics and people with an open mind and not allowing your own views and options to influence the findings.
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observer effect
when the presence of an observer affects the actions of the group under study, preventing the observer from seeing natural behaviour
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ideas about what is morally right and morally wrong
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to define what is meant by any terms used for categorisation
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the subject is presented in a one-sided way which favours one point more than others
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research device
the research method that you will use for your investigation, such as a questionnaire or interview questions
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eg when a sample is made up of a range of different people to best represent the research population
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results from a study can be applied to the whole research population
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a small group of people, usually cross-sectional,on whom research will be carried out
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sampling frame
the source from which a sample is drawn
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someone who thinks that women are disadvantaged in society and wants to make them equal with men
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random sample
the sample group is chosen completely at random
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when data can be said to accurately represent the research population in terms of, for example, gender and age composition
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stratified sample
the research group is divided up into relevant groups such as gender and age and a random sample is taken from each of these groups to generate more representative data
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systematic sample
selecting every nth name from the sampling frame, therefore not random at all
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snowball sample
another non-random sample where the researcher makes contact with one relevant respondent and then ask them to put you into contact with further respondents. often used when studying a topic with no sampling frame, for example gang members
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using more than one research method or researcher in order to complete the investigation
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pilot study
a small-scale study completed before a piece of research to identify any possible problems
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case study
a detailed and in-depth study of one particular group or situation
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longitudinal study
a study completed over a long period of time
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primary data
information that researchers have gathered themselves
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secondary data
information that has been collected by somebody else and then used by the researcher
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means that findings can be checked by another researcher. if another researcher can do the research in the same way and get the same results, then the research is reliable
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the truthfulness and accuracy of the data; the more accurate something is, the more valid it is
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


questions ae read out t the respondent by the researcher, who then records the respondents answers


interview questionnaires

Card 3


respondents are presented with either a list of options or a two-way choice and have to select the response with which they most agree (yes/no)


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


respondents are free to answer the question in anyway they like; there are no present opinions


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


patterns of behaviour or attitudes seen in evidence


Preview of the back of card 5
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