Topic 1: Restless Earth case studies continued

  • Created by: DJSalt
  • Created on: 23-03-17 00:45
State the magnitude of the earthquake
1 of 10
Kobe Earthquake: How many people died?
2 of 10
How many people were injured?
3 of 10
How much did it cost the economy?
£100 billion
4 of 10
Secondary Impacts: How many people were made homeless?
Around 316,000
5 of 10
Finish the sentence: Buildings were destroyed by _ when _ mains _
Buildings were destroyed by fires when gas mains fractured
6 of 10
Relief and recovery: Finish the sentence; the government _ and emergency _ were provided
The government evacuated and emergency rations were provided
7 of 10
Finish the sentence: Rescue teams _ for _ for _ days
Rescue teams searched for survivors for 10 days
8 of 10
What were set up following the earthquake?
Temporary housing for refugees.
9 of 10
Finish the sentence: People moved away _. Jobs created in the _ industry due to rebuilding
People moved away permanently. Jobs were created in the construction industry due to rebuilding
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Kobe Earthquake: How many people died?



Card 3


How many people were injured?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How much did it cost the economy?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Secondary Impacts: How many people were made homeless?


Preview of the front of card 5
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