Theoretical views of ideology

What does ideology mean?
A set of beliefs based around core principles aimed at explaining why the world works the way it does.
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What does metanarrative mean?
What postmodernists argue are 'big stories' to explain the truth.
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How do Marxists see ideology?
As the set of ruling class ideas that keep workers in place. All ideologies, including science and religion are manipulated by the ruling class in order to maintain and reproduce inequality.
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Who argued religion is the opium of the people?
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What did Michalowski and Kramer find?
They studied pharmaceutical companies and found that they produce medicines that are needed for society but sell their product at prices only the wealthy societies can afford.
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What is a real life an example of this?
Martin Shkreli raising the price of Daraprim.
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How do feminists see ideology?
As a set of ideas that keep women oppressed because it is patriarchal ideology that is favoured.
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What did Ann Oakley find?
That Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation demonstrates science acting as a patriarchal ideology since it justified gender inequality in the workplace by claiming the development of young children was 'damaged' by working mothers.
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What did Simone de Beauvoir say about religion?
That religion is used to prop up patriarchy in 3 ways - through religious scripture/teachings, through religious ceremonies/practices and through the structure and power relations of religious organisations.
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How do post modernists see ideology?
Postmodernists such as Lyotard claim that religion and science are meta-narratives and the ideologies which seek to explain 'truth' are no longer relevant due to the fragmentation of society.
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What does postmodernist Bunting say?
That we adopt a 'pick n mix' attitude whilst in the 'spiritual supermarket'. The growth of New Religious Movements and New Age Movements supports this.
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What did Karl Mannheim say about ideology?
Mannheim claims that ideologies are the product of intellectuals who cannot relate to the everyday individual, so their ideas reflect their own personal interests. There are two types of world view:
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What is ideological thought?
One type of world view. Attempts to justify tradition and the maintenance of society as it is, thus resisting change.
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What is utopian thought?
Another type of world view. Attempts to promote social change because the current state of the world does not suit those who construct utopian belief systems.
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What perspective could be seen as utopian thought?
Marxism could be seen as a utopian ideology with its vision of an ideal future society after the ruling class have been overthrown.
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What perspective could be seen as ideological thought?
Functionalism could be seen as having ideological thought as it seeks to justify existing society with its emphasis on agreement, consensus and stability.
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What does Mannheim say we need to do?
Detach subjectivity from these world views and instead create an objective view that every individual can subscribe and relate to. Such knowledge, which would be free of ideology, can only be produced by free-floating intellectuals.
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What is free-floating intelligentsia?
These free-floating intellectuals who are unattached to any particular value-position are called 'free-floating intelligentsia'
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does metanarrative mean?


What postmodernists argue are 'big stories' to explain the truth.

Card 3


How do Marxists see ideology?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who argued religion is the opium of the people?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did Michalowski and Kramer find?


Preview of the front of card 5
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