theoretical emulsification

  • Created by: anna888
  • Created on: 08-03-23 14:21
what is emulsifaction
metastable dispersion of liquid droplets in an immiscible liquid
1 of 10
describe the two types of emuslification
single- two components,liquid drops in another liquid. double- 3 components, primary emuslion droplets in another liquid
2 of 10
what are the 3 phases of emulsion, describe each and how to get from one to another
seperate-low energy, thermodynamically favorable, stable. SHAKE. unstable dispersion- high energy, thermo unfav, unstable, transient(temporary). STAND back to seperate
3 of 10
how to make dispersion phase last
emulsifiers(surfactants) or viscoity enhancers to inhibit diffusion
4 of 10
why are emuslifiers used
they are amphiphillic and acn attract both water and oil, reduced surface interfacial tension
5 of 10
describe processes of emuslion instability- reversible or not
creaming-r. cracking ir. flocculation r. coalesence ir. sedimentaion r.
6 of 10
describe dvlo theory and points 1 2 3 of graph
repulsion as electrical double layer. attraction as v der waals1. net attraction- reversible coaggulation. 2. net repulsion- stable dispersion. 3. net attraction- reversible flocculation
7 of 10
describe sedimentaion. what effects it
particles sinking through continuous phase due to gravity. increased particle size and density increase it. viscoity as drag force
8 of 10
describe bancrofts rule. what is hlb and describe perameters
the phase in which the emulsifier is more soluble in will be the continuous phase. hlb= hydrophile lipophile balance. low hbl means emulsifier mainly lipophillic. and vise versa.
9 of 10
hlb perameters from w/o and o/w emulsions
w/o= 3-6. o/w=8-16
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


describe the two types of emuslification


single- two components,liquid drops in another liquid. double- 3 components, primary emuslion droplets in another liquid

Card 3


what are the 3 phases of emulsion, describe each and how to get from one to another


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Card 4


how to make dispersion phase last


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Card 5


why are emuslifiers used


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