theme 1: virus and prion


1. how does infectious mononucleosis present? part of this includes the reason why it is called 'mononucleosis'

  • -tonsilitis, fever, lymphadenopathy (affects lymph nodes), hepatosplenomegaly.-get atypical lymphocytes on the blood film that looks like monocytes
  • -retinitis, deafness, microcephaly, hepatosplenomegaly in the neonate
1 of 13

Other questions in this quiz

2. what is parvovirus b19 known as?

  • slapped cheek syndrome, fifth disease
  • german measles

3. what two ways can CMV be transmitted?

  • -saliva/genital secretions, - donated blood, stem cells, solid organs
  • -respiratory droplet, - direct contact with vesicle fluid

4. major syndrome of rotavirus

  • fever, vomiting, watery diarrhoea
  • just vomiting

5. how many stages of the virus life cycle are there?

  • 6
  • 5
  • 4


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