The Roaring 20's#2

  • Created by: jessica
  • Created on: 03-06-13 18:43
Selling Alcohol became big business in the trade including groups which were popular during the 1920's . What were these groups?
Selling Alcohol became big business in the trade and groups of gangsters.
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The gangsters threatened to damage property unless they received money for protecting it. What was this called?
This was called Protection Rackets.
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Who was the most famous gangster of the 1920's?
Al Capone.
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In 1929 some of Al Capone's gang disguised as policemen and gunned down six members of a rivalry gang. What is this day called?
St Valentines day Massacre.
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Contrasted to the rich, poorer Americans suffered terribly during the roaring 20's. who did these poorer people include?
During the Roaring 20's Mainly Blacks and farmers suffered in America.
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When did the Roaring 20's come to an end?
The Roaring 20's came to an abrupt ending due to the Wall Street Crash in October 1929.
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President Wilson had a policy which ended in 1922 which lead to the high taxation of foreign-made goods in the USA. what was Wilson's policy?
President Wilson's policy was to encourage free trade with the USA.
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Many industries used a technique for production which encouraged prices to come down and wages for production-line workers went up. What sort of production technique did businesses use?
Many industries used the mass production technique.
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Americans often paid a deposit then paid off the rest in installments to purchase goods.What is this called?
Hire Purchase.
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It was also easy to borrow money from banks, but why?
The interest rates were relatively low to encourage Americans buying goods.
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What did Hire Purchase lead to?
a 'boom' in the economy and sales which increased the demand in the factories, producing more jobs and higher wages
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During the Roaring 20's fashions changed and some middle-class girls embraced these fashions by shocking their parents. What were these young rebellious women called?
These women were called Flappers
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What did the Flappers do which shocked their parents?
The Flappers shocked their parents by cutting their hair short, smoked in public, wore heavy makeup and wore short skirts. They also stayed out late dancing and were keen to cast aside all social restraints.
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Card 2


The gangsters threatened to damage property unless they received money for protecting it. What was this called?


This was called Protection Rackets.

Card 3


Who was the most famous gangster of the 1920's?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In 1929 some of Al Capone's gang disguised as policemen and gunned down six members of a rivalry gang. What is this day called?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Contrasted to the rich, poorer Americans suffered terribly during the roaring 20's. who did these poorer people include?


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