The Emergence of the Emigres In the French Revolution

Which important figure was among the first emigres to leave France in 1789?
The Comte d'Artois (the King's Brother)
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Why did Noblemen leave France?
They had lost their privileges and felt unsafe
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Who made up the majority of the emigres?
The Third Estate and Clergy
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Why did the rich members of the bourgeoisie leave France?
They feared for their lives and property
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What did the term 'Emigres' become associated with?
A group of frivolous nobles attempting to restore the Ancien Regime for personal gain
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Why did the army suffer as a result of the growth in emigres?
Noble officers emigrated resulting in a lack of military discipline
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What did many emigres join or support?
The Counter-Revolution
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How did the army improve because of the growth in the number of emigres?
Officers left France allowing rapid promotion of talented men to leading positions
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Card 2


Why did Noblemen leave France?


They had lost their privileges and felt unsafe

Card 3


Who made up the majority of the emigres?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did the rich members of the bourgeoisie leave France?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the term 'Emigres' become associated with?


Preview of the front of card 5
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