The Weimar's problems!

What was the Spartaist uprising 1919?
In January 1919,The Wiemar republic was challenged by the spartacist communists(run by working classes).
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Who was the Spartacist uprising led by and what happened to them?
Karl Liebknect and Rosa Luxemburg were later exceuted.
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What happened?
50,000 workers went on strike and demonstrated in the centre of Berlin.Newspapers and communicaation builidings taken overarmed demonstraters.
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How was it put down?
Freikorps (ex-army soldiers)had to put down rising.100 workers killed (bloody week).
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What was the Kapp putsch 1920?
The 12,000 Freikorps(Led by Wolfgang Kapp) took over Berlin and the government were forced to flee.
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How was it put down?
The Freikorps had no suppport the public went on support ,after 4 days kapp fled .
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What was the Munich putsch?
The Nazi party joined by General Ludendorff.55,000 SA members plan
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On Novemeber 8 1923 ,Hitler and 600 SA, burst a meeting betwwen Von Kahr and Lassow (at a local beer hall).He waved a gun at them and made them agree to rebel.
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What happened on the 9th.
Hitler and Nazis went to march on Munich.But Von Kahr had called police and army enfrcements
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How many people killed?
16 Nazis killed.Hitler flees and arrested two days later and sentance to five years (Only served 9 months)
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Card 2


Who was the Spartacist uprising led by and what happened to them?


Karl Liebknect and Rosa Luxemburg were later exceuted.

Card 3


What happened?


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Card 4


How was it put down?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the Kapp putsch 1920?


Preview of the front of card 5
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