The Vuntut Gwichin

Who are the Vuntut Gwichin ?
The Vuntun Gwichin are one of the oldest known first nation , with history dating back 13,000 years ago.
They are native to Old Crow in North Yukon, located to the Northwest of Canada , on the Alaskan border.
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How do they rely on Porcupine Caribou ?
The Vuntut Gwitchin rely heavily on Caribou for their survival , hunting the caribou for food and traditional clothing, they waste no part of the animal, meaning their reliance on the Porcupine Caribou. TheVuntut Gwitchin themslves describe the caribou as
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What is the Arctic National Wildlife refuge?
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is a national wildlife refuge in northeastern Alaska, United States on Vuntut Gwichin land.
The Arctic coastal plain is dominated by tundra vegetation consisting of low shrubs, sedges, and mosses. Coastal lands a
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Why is ANWR at risk?
There is controversy as to whether a subsection of the area , known as the 1002 should be drilled for oil. The Arctic Refuge is facing a pivotal moment. Even as the climate crisis is causing the Arctic to warm, there is pressure to drill here.
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What is the trans Alaskan pipeline ?
The Trans Alaskan pipeline is a crude oil pipeline spanning 1,300 km across Alaska.
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Why is it controversial?
Many find the pipeline to environmentally negative for Alaska , stating it’s construction destroyed many natural habitats for animals, thawing permafrost continually threatens the stability of the structure - risking a devastating spill that would further
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Card 2


How do they rely on Porcupine Caribou ?


The Vuntut Gwitchin rely heavily on Caribou for their survival , hunting the caribou for food and traditional clothing, they waste no part of the animal, meaning their reliance on the Porcupine Caribou. TheVuntut Gwitchin themslves describe the caribou as

Card 3


What is the Arctic National Wildlife refuge?


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Card 4


Why is ANWR at risk?


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Card 5


What is the trans Alaskan pipeline ?


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