

The Pleistoscene lasted from 2.5  million years ago to 11,700 years ago- fluctuations in global tempretures caused colder glaciers to warm and cold glaciers forming. 


Inputs- snow, condensation, deposition of water vapour 

Stores- ice in the glacier, Meltwater stored in the glacier, rock stored in glaciers 

Flows- meltwater flows through glaciers, debris flows through glaciers

Outputs- Ice can melt and flow out of the glacier in the form of meltwater, surface snow can melt and evapourate, blocks of ice can fall off the snout and into bodies of water forming icebergs.

Glacial budget is the balance between the glaciers inputs and outputs- accumulation is the input of snow, abaltion is the output of water from a glacier- where accumulation and abalation are equal is the glacier's equilibrium point

Nivation makes hollows deeper by freezing and thawing- snow gets inti a hollow and freezes due to fluctuations in temperature, the snow melts and then freezes in the crack due to this change, as the water freezes it exands, forcing the crack open and breaking away bits of the rock, the slpoes collapse bceause they are water logged (due to melted snow) and are eroded- eventually the hollow becomes deeper and wider- this process is called nivation. Nivation hollows ca be the beginning of a corrie. 

Erosional landforms- arete ( a knife shaped ridge which forms as two glacviers move in parallell ways, eroding each side of the valley and sharpening the mountain ridge between them) 

Glacial troughs are formed thriugh the erosion of v…


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