The Theme of Love and Marriage in Hobson's Choice


1. Why does Maggie refuse to remove her brass ring?

  • It has been what she looks at everyday in the morning
  • It reminds her of Willie
  • So they won't forget the truth about themselves
  • It is stuck on her finger
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2. Whose marriage will be the strongest?

  • Albert and Alice
  • Willie and Maggie
  • Freddy and Vickey

3. How does Hobson praise his wife after her death?

  • "A devine girl"
  • "A hardy thing"
  • "A pretty thing"
  • "The best wife anyone could ever have had"

4. What kind of men does Hobson want his daughters to marry?

  • Temperance young men
  • Decent young men
  • Respectful young men
  • Wealthy young men

5. What words of warning does Hobson give to Albert and Freddy?

  • "You poor wretches... taking on those girls!"
  • "They'll know what marrying a woman means before so long!"
  • "Those girls will cost you a pretty penny!"


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