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6. What kind of men does Hobson want his daughters to marry?

  • Wealthy young men
  • Temperance young men
  • Respectful young men
  • Decent young men

7. How do Maggie and Willie view their marriage by the end of the play?

  • Easy-going and affectionate
  • A freedom and liberation
  • Joyfully happy
  • Unromantic but practical

8. What has marriage done to Alice and Vickey?

  • Made them nicer to Will.
  • Made them lazy and tired.
  • Made them proud and self-centered.
  • Made the softer and more lenient.

9. What was one of the main reasons for marrying at the time the play was based?

  • Social status
  • Romance
  • Love
  • Father's choice

10. Whose marriage will be the strongest?

  • Albert and Alice
  • Willie and Maggie
  • Freddy and Vickey

11. How does Hobson praise his wife after her death?

  • "The best wife anyone could ever have had"
  • "A hardy thing"
  • "A devine girl"
  • "A pretty thing"

12. Why is Will Mossop 'tokened' to Ada Figgins?

  • She is a nice girl.
  • Through the fear of Ada's mother.
  • He loves Ada's golden hair.
  • They love each other.

13. What does Maggie say about courting?

  • "Only rebellious females need courting."
  • "All glitter and no use to nobody."
  • "It needn't happen at all."
  • "Completely idiotic and a waste of time."

14. How did Hobson view the idea of marriage?

  • Wife is in control
  • Slavery
  • Romantic
  • All about love