The Sun

Is a dominant image used, which is a photo-montage of iconic British landmarks or traditions.
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Images that are used
- Sights such as stone henge, the shard, the angle of the north
- British brands like minis, red buses, spitfires
- Houses of parliament shows respect for political system
- Backdrop is of fields, forests and has the British coastline.
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what does the image create
Makes Britain look fresh by using the green colours of the land, making it seem like a pleasant place to go as well as to see all the sights that Britain is known for.

This helps to make it look like a pleasant place for tourists to visit as well as show
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What does the images suggest about brexit
Some of the images that have been used are more associated with the south of England, there is only one northern landmark used which is the angle of the north and this could be because Northern places such as Scotland voted to remain so are not part of th
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“Great Britain or Great Betrayal"
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what does the headline convey
The headline’s use of the emotive term ‘betrayal’ make it clear that the cultural icons featured on the cover are at risk from politicians.
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"For a greater Britain"
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What does the streamline suggest
There is also a strapline that reads “For A Greater Britain’ that suggests The Sun has a clearer idea than MPs what is good for the country.
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The Sun
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Card 2


Images that are used


- Sights such as stone henge, the shard, the angle of the north
- British brands like minis, red buses, spitfires
- Houses of parliament shows respect for political system
- Backdrop is of fields, forests and has the British coastline.

Card 3


what does the image create


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Card 4


What does the images suggest about brexit


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




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