the sun representations

  • Created by: tia5303
  • Created on: 16-07-20 17:38
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  • representation of immigration as an issue - the sun newspaper
    • the cover image is a montage of different british cultural traditions that we should be proud of
      • e.g. fish 'n' chip shops, Loch ness monster, and the typical red London bus
      • these are also quite stereotypical elements of British identity, what foreign tourists may expect from a visit to the UK.
      • the sun isn't just reinforcing these stereotypes; it is saying that if we don't celebrate and protect them then will be 'betraying' Britain.
        • the only way to 'protect' British identity is for MP's to vote in favor of the Brexit bill
      • the landmarks and traditions are closely associated with England and particularly the South of England where there was strong support for Brexit.
      • there is only 1 northern landmark (the angle of the north) and no representations of Scotland and northern Ireland except for loch ness.
        • this may be because Scotland and northern Ireland both voted to remain, so are not part of the sun's target audience
          • the sun also does have specific Irish and Scottish editions, so this may also explain the greater focus of England
    • the strapline ' for a greater britain' implies, along with 'the sun says...' suggests the sun has a clearer definition of what makes Britain great than others, and implies the reader should trust it's vision


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