The role of the father

  • Created by: danbot77
  • Created on: 26-04-21 10:28
How many of the of the infants in Schaffer and Emerson's study formed an attachment to their father by the age of 18 months?
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What are the three proposed roles of the father?
Playmate, primary attachment figure and classic secondary attachment figure.
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What was one study into the role of the father as a playmate?
Grossman did a longitudinal study to relate parent's behaviour and the kids attachments in their teens. Maternal attachments linked to adolescence. Not fathers tho. If the fathers had better play with infants, better attachment later.
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What was one study into the role of the father as a primary attachment figure?
Men lack oestrogen which could make them less equipped. However, Field found that the more responsive a father, the stronger the attachment. Father can be main attachment figure if they show enough sensitive responsiveness,
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What is one weakness of studies into the role of the father?
(differing results)
There are inconsistent findings due to psychologists being interested in different questions. Some focus on secondary attachments, some focus on primaries. They get differing results so they can't fully explain the role of the father.
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What is one weakness of studies into the role of the father?
(affect on development)
MacCallum and Golombok found that children who grow up in same sex or single parent
families develop no differently. The father as a secondary attachment figure is unimportant.
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What is one weakness of studies into the role of the father?
(Numerous influences)
There could be many reasons for the difference in emotional development of the children. The father's beliefs, age and sensitivity could all affect attachment so we cannot draw confident conclusions about the role of the father.
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What is one weakness that could also be argues to be a strength of the role of the father?
Children who grow up without a father tend to do worse in education and tend to have higher levels of aggresion and risk taking. However. Pederson says these studies are from poor socio-economic backgrounds so poverty could cause it.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the three proposed roles of the father?


Playmate, primary attachment figure and classic secondary attachment figure.

Card 3


What was one study into the role of the father as a playmate?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was one study into the role of the father as a primary attachment figure?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is one weakness of studies into the role of the father?
(differing results)


Preview of the front of card 5
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