The New World: Elizabethan

Reasons Elizabeth wanted to go to the New world
Expand Trade
Conflict with Spain
Improved technology
Better ships and sailors
Opportunity to make money
Spread Protestantism
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Why did England need to expand trade routes?
Spain had control of The Netherlands and cut off England's path to the rest of mainland europe which caused the wool trade to fail (England's biggest export)
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Why was there conflict in with Spain in the New World
Francis Drake

Spain had a monopoly in the New World, esp. Mexico and Peru. You needed a Spanish licence which Spain wouldn't grant England
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What new technology was there
1569 Flemish Mapmaker Gerardus Mercator introduces lines of longitude and latitude to maps

Astrolabes allowed to determine latitude using the horizon and north star

Quadrant used to determine latitude by measuring the altitude of a heavenly body
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When was Francis Drake's circumnavigation
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What was so special about Francis Drake cirucmnavigation
First Englishman and only second person in the entire world to circumnavigate the earth

He sailed around the top of south america, to mexico, california and across the pacific and indian oceans
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Fact-finding voyage

Raleigh sent two ships to modern-day north carolina, they saw fertile land full of animals

They brought back 2 native americans whose language was Algonquian, they helped make an english-algonquian dictionary
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Who were the colonists and sailors that set off in 1585
Only 107 colonists, rather than 300 Raleigh had anticipated

Mostly men

soldiers, landowners, farmers, skilled craftsmen and a mathematician
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What were the benefits of a colony in Virginia
Economic benefits: New crops, tobacco and sugar caned. Not dependent on fruit and spices from southern europe

Could be used as a base to attack Spain
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What went wrong in the first attempt at colonisation on Roanoke Island 1585
All the perishables were placed on one boat

Left too late to plant crops, would have no food
throughout winter

The colonists were not prepared for the hard work

Incorrect and insufficient stone for the stonemasons
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How was the relationship with native americans in 1585
Some tribes were frustrated that they were taking up good land and resources

The English were too demanding, Natives did not trust them

English were dependent on Natives for food
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Why were the English dependent on the Natives for food
The tiger (boat carrying the perishables) was too large to enter the sounds surrounding Roanoke Island.

It had to anchor off the Atlantic coast, exposing themselves to more volatile weather and seas.

Almost immediately, The Tiger was heavily damaged
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Ralph Lane
an Irishman appointed governor of the colony
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The End of the Roanoke colony
Ralph Lane abandoned the roanoke colony in 1586 owing to english-native relations

Francis Drake
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What went wrong with the second attempt in 1587
They arrived too late to plant seeds

John White left to gather more supplies but never returned. The Ships were needed for defence against the Armada.

Native-English relations were
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Why was the colony of 1587 known as 'The Lost Colony'
John White's ships were needed for the armada. When he returned the settlement had been abandoned with the word 'croatoan' carved in a tree.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why did England need to expand trade routes?


Spain had control of The Netherlands and cut off England's path to the rest of mainland europe which caused the wool trade to fail (England's biggest export)

Card 3


Why was there conflict in with Spain in the New World


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What new technology was there


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When was Francis Drake's circumnavigation


Preview of the front of card 5
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